The Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) on Wednesday carried out raids at multiple places in Kochi and Kolkata as part of its probe into the alleged irregularities in importing photocopying machines under Malfunction Devices (MFD) category from Europe.
The agency had registered a case against eight, including three Customs officials, proprietor of a Kolkata-based company, a chartered engineer, Customs house broker and a former Customs agent.
Officials said that raids were conducted at the residences and offices of the Customs officials, besides the offices of the private company in Kolkata.
Searches were also carried out at the office of a shipping agency in Thoppumpady.
They said that crucial documents related to the irregularities were seized in the raids at nine locations in Kochi and Kolkata.
The First Information Report pointed out that the Kolkata-based agency had imported 16,000 MFDs that are restricted goods under the Foreign Trade Policy. Nearly 126 bill entries were made without the authorisation of the Directorate General Foreign Trade (DGFT).
Published - January 04, 2018 12:05 am IST