The Kerala High Court on Thursday asked the State government to file a statement in response to a writ petition filed by E. Sreedharan, former Principal Adviser to Delhi Metro Rail Corporation, seeking a directive to the government and the Roads and Bridge Development Corporation to consider an alternative alignment submitted by him for a bridge across the Bharathapuzha connecting Thirunavaya in the north with Thavanur in the south.
He alleged in his petition that the decision to proceed with the bridge construction by following a non-conventional and unscientific skew alignment would destroy the ‘smrithi mandapam’ of Kerala Gandhi K. Kelappan and other historical structures. It would also affect the sanctity of the holy trinity temples situated on the banks of the Bharathapuzha.
If the well-accepted square alignment bridge as proposed by him was constructed, it would reduce the cost and give more strength and life to the bridge. The present alignment was against well-accepted engineering principles.
He pointed out that water pressure on the piers of a skew alignment bridge was higher due to non-uniform flow of water underneath the bridge . If the authorities implemented his proposal, it would not only reduce the cost but also give more strength to the bridge.
Published - September 05, 2024 11:58 pm IST