The Kerala High Court on Wednesday sentenced Raneesh V.R., former Sub- inspector of Alathur police station in Palakkad, to two months’ simple imprisonment under the provisions of the Contempt of Court Act for using abusive language against a lawyer who approached him on behalf of his client.
Justice Devan Ramachandran, however, suspended the sentence for one year on the condition that he would not engage him in similar acts which would violate the order of the court against the use of such language. The sentence would lapse after one year if he does not engage in such behaviour.
The court passed the order while closing a contempt of court petition filed against Mr. Raneesh for violating a High Court order against the use of foul and abusive language in police stations by officers against civilians.
The court noted that the police officer had in his first affidavit chose to make a reserved apology. However, in his second affidavit he had admitted his guilt and expressed unconditional apology and remorse with a promise that he would become more professional and behave in a dignified manner.