Chief Minister K. Chandrasekhar Rao has ruled out reduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) on petrol and diesel to offset spiralling fuel prices as the TRS government had not increased even a rupee on the State tax since the formation of Telangana seven years ago.
Addressing a press conference on Sunday, Mr. Rao demanded that the Centre withdraw cess on petrol and fuel, which will automatically bring down their prices. He blamed the Centre for not increasing tax on fuel and instead imposing cess, so that it can be absolved of the responsibility of sharing revenue from tax with State governments. However, he was not in favour of reversing the step at this stage as he wanted all duties on fuel to be brought down.
Mr. Rao said the Centre had spread falsehood that the hike in fuel prices was on account of increase in crude oil. But, the fact was that the crude oil cost US $ 105.52 a barrel in 2014, and now, it was US $ 83. The price had even crashed to US $ 30 at times. On refusal of Food Corporation of India (FCI) to lift paddy stocks from Telangana, he threatened that his entire Cabinet, including himself, would stage a dharna in New Delhi if the FCI stuck to its guns. If the FCI could procure entire quantity of foodgrains from Punjab, why not Telangana?.
The State government will wait for a response from the Centre for a week and then step up its agitation. He was, however, convinced that the Centre will not yield to pressure. Nevertheless, the farmers could still wait for a positive response because the Rabi sowings were possible till December-end.
Mr. Rao accused the Centre of going back on its promise to lift paddy from the State in the Rabi last year and giving no commitment at all for the season this year. An understanding was reached for offtake of 50 lakh tonnes of boiled rice last year but the FCI procured only 24 lakh tonnes.
This being the scenario, he said the Centre set up further obstacles even in kharif this year by rubbishing the claims of the State that its acreage was 62 lakh acres. The Centre said satellite mapping of area did not show that much of coverage. On this ground, the Centre had not sent any communication on how much it was prepared to procure kharif yield.
Published - November 07, 2021 10:24 pm IST