Three men were arrested by the Telangana Cyber Security Bureau (TGCSB) on Wednesday (September 4, 2024) for allegedly conning a Hyderabad-based senior citizen of ₹13.16 crore in a business and investment fraud.
Sayed Khaja Hashim Uddin, 24, Arafat Khaled Mohinuddin, 25 and Mohd. Atheer Pasha, 25 were arrested by the police following a complaint from the victim on Tuesday (September 2, 2024).
According to the police, the complainant was reached out by ‘Ravi Pavagi’ to join an online stock broking group on WhatsApp. Though this group, the accused, who impersonated as assistants of three companies including AFSL, Upstox and International Brokers (IB), contacted him and shared several website URLs, app links and bank account details to invest.
The victim invested in all three groups and became further sure when he was initially allowed to withdraw money. Gradually, after the victim invested a significant amount, the fraudsters showed his investments doubled on a fake website portal but did not allow him to withdraw any funds.
The investigation revealed that the amount transferred by the victim reached the mule account of Atheer Pasha, Hashim Uddin and Khaled Mohinuddin were operating an illegal crypto business. The money from the mule account was quickly converted into USDT and sent to the main fraudsters through Three mobile phones were seized from the accused and further investigation is underway.
Published - September 05, 2024 05:37 pm IST