The Telangana government has asked the Centre to make available the details of those who have filed GST returns to States so that they could pursue for filing of returns/payment of tax by those who have not paid tax.
Speaking at the meeting of Group of Ministers (GoM) on the information-technology related issues of GST in Bengaluru on Saturday, Telangana Finance Minister Eatala Rajender said the details of GST tax payers, particularly of those who have filed returns, were not accessible to States now. He suggested that the States should be enabled to know the quantum of their share in GST by giving access to the details of returns filed.
Mr. Rajender pointed out that exemption of fine for filing the returns late and refunding of fine to those who have already paid it was also not being implemented even after the Union Finance Minister's announcement recently. He demanded that those filing returns for August, September and October be provided an opportunity to pay tax without late fee. He also wanted the GST Council to make the procedures more user-friendly.
Stating that there was no proper awareness at field level on GST in spite of all the publicity glitz, Mr. Rajender said even tax consultants and officials were still in confusion on many issues. He requested the GST Council to provide platforms at district level to create awareness among all stakeholders. He also suggested the need for having a mechanism that could respond to problems encountered in the process of filing returns and other aspects immediately.
Further, Mr. Rajender brought to the notice of GoM about the problems being faced in filing returns/paying tax. He reiterated the demand to enable assessees to rectify mistakes that could occur while filing the returns (forms).
Lack of facility to edit the returns was leading to many problems to the assessees. He also requested the Council to give an opportunity for registration to migrated dealers those who were yet to register with GST.
Published - October 28, 2017 11:23 pm IST