Activists of Akhil Bharatiya Vidyarthi Parishad (ABVP) damaged the window panes of notice boards of Sree Nidhi Institute of Science and Technology (SNIST) at Ghatkesar on Thursday as a part of the bandh call given by them to protest the delay in release of fee reimbursement and scholarships to students.
The college management said that about 25 activists barged into the college and started damaging the property arguing that the college was not closed despite the bandh call. The college authorities said that it was opened as some exams were scheduled and students were interested in completing the exam. “Even before we told them that a decision was taken to postpone the exams and close the college, the activists damaged the window panes of notice boards and other material in the college building,” a teacher said. “They also went around the campus raising slogans and damaging property.” Earlier, some buses of the college were also deflated at Uppal.
‘Bandh successful’
ABVP Telangana secretary J. Niranjan, said that the bandh was successful and it reflected the students’ agony and disenchantment with the Government.
Published - January 09, 2015 12:00 am IST