The Delhi High Court on Wednesday asked the Delhi University to submit details of the courses whose results for open book examination (OBE) have been declared and the time line for the declaration of results of the remaining courses.
Justice Prathiba M. Singh asked the varsity to file an affidavit within five days, stating which are the courses whose results are declared and which are the courses whose results are not declared.
The High Court’s order came on plea by students that the results of their final-year exams, which were conducted in August, have not been declared yet and due to which they are unable to join higher studies.
The High Court will hear the case again on November 26. It has asked Professor D.S. Rawat, Dean of Examination to join the videoconferencing proceeding on the next date.
Initially, the petition was filed challenging the varsity’s decision to hold online OBE, as per the UGC guidelines, for final-year undergraduate courses which were in long form exams. Subsequently, the High Court has been hearing and passing order on various grievances related to students due to the unprecedented pandemic situation.
Published - November 19, 2020 12:24 am IST