The Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) on Sunday said that it is currently undertaking installation of improvised information signage at the stations on the phase 1 and phase 2 corridors and also at all interchange stations to assist commuters to better navigate the multi-modal network.
“This specific signage is aimed at helping the passengers with all Delhi Metro-related information, including ticketing, system map, first and last train timings, dos and don’ts, helpline numbers, facilities for divyangjan, lost and found, and other statutory information,” Anuj Dayal, executive director (corporate communications), DMRC, said.
Mr. Dayal said that the signage, which is bilingual, will be LED backlit at all the interchange and underground stations for a better visibility of symbols and words. “All the elevated stations of phase 1 and phase 2 of the Delhi Metro network will also have non-backlit signage,” he added.
Published - December 13, 2021 02:16 am IST