Terming it “unfortunate,” Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Thursday said the Supreme Court judgment that the elected government did not have the power to transfer officers was “injustice to the people of Delhi.”
On Thursday, a two-judge Bench of the apex court gave its decision in the Delhi government vs Centre case, with one judge saying that the elected government had no powers over services matters and the other saying that the files regarding DANICS officers could be routed through the Council of Ministers to the Lieutenant-Governor. However, for a final call, the matter was referred to a three-judge Bench.
Reacting to the development, Mr. Kejriwal said at a press conference at his residence: “We respect the Supreme Court, but the judgment is injustice with Delhi and the people of Delhi. Delhiites elected a government by giving one party 67 out of 70 seats. Today’s judgment says that the elected government does not have power to transfer officers.”
The Chief Minister added that the judgment led to the question: “If a government cannot even transfer its officers, then how will that government function?”
“The government that the public elected with such a big margin, if that government does not have the powers to work, what kind of democracy is this? What kind of order is this,” he asked.
He added that not only was the judgment against the people of Delhi, “it is against the Constitution and democracy.” Mr. Kejriwal said the government would seek legal opinion.
Published - February 14, 2019 01:48 pm IST