A Delhi court on Wednesday (September 4, 2024) sent six people, arrested in a case related to the drowning of three civil services aspirants at a coaching centre basement in Old Rajinder Nagar, to 14-day judicial custody.
Additional Chief Judicial Magistrate Nishant Garg sent Abhishek Gupta, Deshpal Singh, Tajinder Singh, Harvinder Singh, Sarabjit Singh, and Parvinder Singh to custody till September 18.
The judge passed the order on an application filed by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) seeking judicial custody for the accused persons.
The accused were produced before the court on the expiry of their four-day CBI custody.
The Central agency told the court that their custodial interrogation was not required further.
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The CBI has filed the case for various alleged offences, including criminal negligence, dereliction of duties and corrupt practices indulged in by any person, including officials of the local authorities.