Amid escalating confrontation between the Delhi government and Lt Governor Najeeb Jung, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Sunday alleged that Jung is not in a tussle with him but with the entire city, farmers and women.
His comments came a day after he appealed to Mr. Jung not to cancel the public welfare decisions taken by the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government since it came to power in February 2015.
“It has become LG vs farmers, LG vs advocates, LG vs women, LG vs Delhiites,” Mr. Kejriwal said in a tweet.
In response to a remark that a “LG vs CM” battle was also on, Mr. Kejriwal responded, “No. There is no LG vs CM. CM is too small a person and has no personal interests“.
The Chief Minister had on Saturday accused the Centre of starting a process to declare “null and void” all Delhi government’s decisions taken in the last one-and-a-half-year through the Lt Governor.
Published - October 09, 2016 06:32 pm IST