Delhi University Teachers’ Association observed a strike here on Monday to protest against the manner of implementation of the semester system by Vice-Chancellor Prof. Deepak Pental.
According to DUTA president Aditya Narayan Misra, no classes were held in the colleges.
Claiming that the strike had been successful, the DUTA said in a statement that this showed that “the academic community is completely opposed to the attempt by the V-C to impose changes in under-graduate science programmes which gravely undermine quality and equal access”.
The colleges were also not willing to teach the 13 semester-based science courses and teachers did not approve of the manner in which DU acts, statutes and ordinances had been flouted to “illegally enforce” the semester system.
Asking the V-C not to shun debate and discussion, the DUTA further said that intimidation could not be used to browbeat staff councils and the teachers and the matter should be discussed at the earliest in the interest of the students.
The DUTA will continue with its strike on Tuesday followed by a symposium on the semester system on Wednesday. The teachers plan to demonstrate at the V-C’s office on August 26, 27 and 30 in case the V-C “fails to see reason”.
The teachers’ association will also stage a march to the V-C’s office premises on August 31 after its annual general body meeting.
Published - August 23, 2010 07:59 pm IST