Delhi Public Works Department Minister Raj Kumar Chauhan on Friday opened to traffic the new flyover at Azadpur intersection here. The grade separator has come as a boon for those who use this stretch as it has made movement of traffic on Ring Road and Mall Road signal-free.
With 13,000 vehicles passing through the intersection every hour during the peak hours, Azadpur used to witness long traffic jams earlier.
Speaking on the occasion, Mr. Chauhan said the grade separator would benefit a large number of commuters and vehicle owners not only of Delhi but also those who come from the northern States of Punjab, Haryana, Himachal Pradesh and Jammu and Kashmir. He said the infrastructure project would also help in smooth movement of trucks loaded with fruits and vegetables and bound for Asia’s largest wholesale vegetable and fruit market at Azadpur.
The new grade separator, he said, had three pedestrian subways with ramps, and service roads on all sides for the pedestrians and cyclists. The 780-metre-long main flyover has come up along Ring Road, while the 393 metre underpass has come up on G. T. Karnal Road (Mall Road).
At the surface level, slip roads have been provided for left turning traffic while signalised intersection has been provided for right turning traffic. Besides, the project has also been provided with landscaping, modern lighting, crash and noise barriers and modern sign boards.
Published - November 13, 2009 08:22 pm IST