In a move to provide relief to residents of Delhi from the skyrocketing prices of onions, Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal on Saturday flagged off 70 mobile vans which have been arranged to supply onions to people in all Assembly constituencies in the Capital at ₹23.90 per kg.
In addition to these vans, the Delhi government said in a statement, onions are also being sold at 400 fair price shops at the same price. One person can get a maximum of 5 kg onions in one day. The sale of onions will be held from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. No identification proofs are required to purchase onions from such shops.
“The retail market in Delhi is selling onions at ₹70-80 per kg. We do not want people of Delhi to suffer due to the eye-watering prices of onions. So, we have decided to sell onions at ₹23.90 per kg. One mobile van each will be taken by the MLAs to their respective constituencies to cover all the 70 Assembly constituencies in Delhi,” Mr. Kejriwal said while flagging off the mobile vans.
“We are directly putting into the market whatever has been procured from the centre. Two Delhi government officials will visit Nagpur to examine the quality of onions and to ensure supply of good-quality onions to Delhi,” Mr. Kejriwal said, adding that after the first five days, the procurement of the onion stock will be reviewed as per requirement.
Fair price shops
“Seventy mobile vans have been launched and 400 fair price shops have been selected to sell onions as per the requirement. In this way, onions will be made available at around five shops in one Assembly. Based on the demand of onions per constituency, the government will comprehend the requirement of positioning more fair price shops and mobile vans in the city,” Mr. Kejriwal said.
According to Mr. Kejriwal, the government was also keeping an eye on hoarders and legal action would be taken against them. This, even as the Chief Minister said, the government was aware of a “sudden rise in price of onions by ₹10 per kg in 10 days.” This, he said, pushed the retail price of onions in Delhi. The wholesale price of onions at Azadpur Mandi, for instance, the government statement said, had gone up to ₹60 per kg, the highest since 2015. On the other hand, the statement said further, Asia’s largest onion market in Lasalgaon in Maharashtra was also selling the onions at ₹50 per kg.