The cybercrime police in Coimbatore city have arrested two persons, who opened multiple bank accounts and shared their credentials with fraudsters to be used for fraudulent transactions.
The arrested have been identified as G. Ravichandru, 58, who hailed from Panchali Nagar at Renigunta Agraharam near Tirupati in Andhra Pradesh, and R. Dhanasekar, 29, a resident of Jothi Nagar at Appanaickenpalayam near Thudiyalur in Coimbatore.
The police said that the accused opened multiple bank accounts using their identification proofs. Later, they provided such bank accounts to persons, who were engaged in different modes of online cheating.
The police found the involvement of the accused during the investigation in an online cheating case registered in Coimbatore. The bank account used by the cyber criminals for receiving defrauded money from the victim belonged to the accused.
The police arrested the duo on Thursday. Investigators found out that bank accounts opened by the accused were involved in 154 cyber crime cases registered in 12 States.
“The accused used to receive a percentage of the defrauded money as their share for allowing fraudsters to use the bank accounts. They received the payment in crypto currency, which were further transferred through several other accounts to get as Indian currency and also to avoid getting caught,” said Cybercrime Inspector P.A. Arun.