District Collector Kranthi Kumar Pati unveiled two new statues at the Race Course junction in Coimbatore on Thursday. The installations are part of the city’s efforts to beautify public spaces.
One statue features a globe themed water fountain promoting water conservation, while the other depicts a traditional scene from the Tamil sport of iallikattu, reflecting the region’s cultural heritage.
These installations are part of the Coimbatore Corporation’s Junction Improvement Initiative, which is funded by private companies. The Corporation starts by offering design concepts for different junctions. Companies interested in the project submit their proposals and the selected firms are responsible for both executing the designs and maintaining the installations over time.
“Following this initiative, Chinthamani Junction on Mettupalayam Road has also been contracted for a new installation focusing on the importance of trees. This project aims to highlight the environmental significance of trees in urban spaces,” said a Corporation official.
“The Corporation plans to use this model to enhance 35 to 40 junctions throughout the city,” the official added.
The event was attended by Corporation Commissioner Sivaguru Prabakaran, City Police Commissioner V. Balakrishnan, Mayor R. Ranganayaki, and Deputy Mayor R. Vetriselvan.
Earlier in the day, the District Collector paid respects at the V.O. Chidambaram Pillai statue in VOC Grounds on the occasion of the leader’s birth anniversary.
Published - September 05, 2024 06:52 pm IST