The Health and the Animal Husbandry Departments in Coimbatore district have stepped up screening at all check posts along Kerala border as a precaution against the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2 and bird flu. The move comes in view of five confirmed cases of the Omicron variant and bird flu cases reported in Kerala. People coming from Kerala will be allowed to enter Coimbatore district only upon producing RT-PCR test result (COVID-negative) obtained within 72 hours or a final vaccination certificate (both doses).
District Collector G.S. Sameeran, who inspected arrangements at Walayar check post on Thursday, said that teams comprising staff from the health, revenue and police departments and local bodies had been formed for round the clock screening at all border check posts. An official of the rank of Deputy Collector will oversee the functioning of the teams that would work in shifts.
The teams would screen passengers at all inter-State check posts -- Walayar, Anaikatti, Velanthavalam, Mulli, Meenakshipuram, Gopalapuram, Semmanampathi, Veeragoundenpudur and Naduppuni.
The Animal Husbandry Department had set up an additional check point at Walayar to screen goods vehicles, especially those carrying livestock and livestock feed. Disinfectant was being sprayed on such vehicles at the check post. According to the district administration, there are 1,203 poultry farms in the district. Poultry farmers have been advised to inform the nearest veterinarian if they notice unusual deaths of chicken or symptoms of flu in birds.
Published - December 16, 2021 11:50 pm IST