More than 10 cars were gutted in a fire reported at a car showroom near Sulur in Coimbatore district in the early hours of Wednesday. The police said that the fire was reported at Jai Krishnaa Autosales, a Maruti Suzuki dealership, located at Ranganathapuram on Tiruchi Road, Sulur.
The Fire and Rescue Services said that the Sulur fire station received an emergency call around 3 a.m. Fire tenders from Sulur and Coimbatore south stations rushed to the spot and fire-fighters led by District Fire Officer P. Pulukandi swung into action.
Sales section, service centre and spare parts store of the dealership were damaged in the fire. The damaged cars included new and that of the customers, which were brought to the showroom for servicing. The fire fighting continued till 6 a.m., said officials from the Fire and Rescue Services, adding that the reason for the fire was yet to be ascertained.
Traffic along one side of Tiruchi Road was disrupted for a few hours due to the fire. Police personnel from Sulur station regulated the traffic along the busy road. The Sulur police have registered a case in connection with the fire..
Published - September 04, 2024 06:53 pm IST