• Ritika Samaddar gives us a day’s worth of brain food
  • Breakfast: Stuffed omelette with spinach and 1 multigrain toast/ spinach and mushroom sautéed in olive oil on wholewheat toast
  • Midmorning: Homemade yoghurt+strawberries smoothie/coconut water and green salad/three-bean salad
  • Lunch: Brown rice with rajma/chana and plenty of veggies
  • Tea: Green tea with a handful of dry fruit (almonds + walnuts + prunes/figs)
  • Dinner: Chicken salad – chicken breast with veggies with a tablespoon of seeds (flaxseeds/chia/sunflower) and tossed with extra virgin olive oil/steamed fish with pickled ginger and a green salad