The Bihar Police has arrested nine persons over the past 24 hours for allegedly appearing in the Teachers Recruitment Exam (TRE-3) on behalf of actual candidates.
The third phase of the teacher recruitment exam is being conducted by the Bihar Public Service Commission (BPSC) from July 19 to July 22. According to BPSC, a total of 404 exam centres have been set up in 27 districts; 26 of these centres are in Patna.
ALSO READ: At least 17 people arrested in Bihar for impersonating candidates in CTET exam
For the second consecutive day, impersonators were caught from different exam centres. A fake candidate was caught in Muzaffarpur on Saturday, while two impersonators were apprehended from an exam centre in Gautambudh Nagar.
One Rajeev Kumar was arrested from Nitishwar College Center in Muzaffarpur on Friday.
In Begusarai, two fake candidates were caught at the SK Women’s College examination centre. While Amit Raj, a resident of Araria, was taking the place of one Shivam Kumar (roll number 785718), Raja Kumar alias Aryan Raj, a resident of Khagaria district, was replacing Pradhan Kumar (roll number 785964). Both actual candidates were from Munger district.
Three persons — Subodh Kumar, Ravi Ranjan Kumar, and Santosh Kumar — were arrested on Friday from an exam centre in Rambagh. Purnea. Their impersonation was detected through biometric fingerprint scans.
After allegations of paper leak surfaced with NEET-UG, many changes were made to the conduct of TRE-3. This included the setting up of around 10,000 CCTV cameras to monitor the exam centres. This led to the identification of the impersonators.