Days after it was announced that filmmaker Lokesh Kanagaraj is venturing into film production, his new production banner G Squad made its first announcement today. G Squad announced with a title-reveal poster that it will present Uriyadi-fame Vijay Kumar’s upcoming action drama, Fight Club.
The first look features a shirtless Vijay Kumar in an intense avatar. It remains unknown if it has any connection with the 1999 David Fincher cult classic of the same name.
Fight Club is written and directed by Abbas A Rahmath. With music scored by Govind Vasantha, the film has cinematography by Leon Britto, editing by Kripakaran P, and dialogues written by Vijay Kumar, Rahmath and Sasi.
Produced by Aditya under his Reel Good Films banner, the film is set to release in theatres this December.