Actor-composer Vijay Antony’s upcoming film Raththam, directed by CS Amudhan, will hit screens on September 28. The news was announced today by the actor with a promo video that featured him alongside producer G Dhananjayan.
In the video, Dhananjayan informs the actor of all the promotional activities they’ve planned for the films - a trailer launch by top directors in the industry, a grand audio launch that necessitates a controversial speech, a special show for the veterans of the industry, and whatnot - and before he could finish stating his plans, Dhananjayan suffers palpitation, apparently due to high blood pressure, and an ambulance takes him away just as he reminds Vijay that the film is releasing on September 28.
Raththam stars Mahima Nambiar, Nanditha Swetha, and Ramya Nambeesan as the female leads. The film’s cast also features Nizhalgal Ravi, John Mahendran, Mahesh, Kalairani, and Jagan among others.
With music scored by Kannan Narayanan, the film has cinematography by Gopi Amarnath and editing by TS Suresh.
The film is produced by Kamal Bohra, Dhananjayan, Pradeep B, and Pankaj Bohra. Meanwhile, Vijay Antony, last seen in Kolai, has Agni Siragugal, Mazhai Pidikkaadha Manidhan, Khaki, Valli Mayil, and Romeo in different stages of production.
Here’s the teaser of Raththam...
Published - September 03, 2023 02:12 pm IST