We had earlier reported that actor Varun Tej’s upcoming film is a Hindi-Telugu bilingual, co-starring Manushi Chillar, in which he plays an IAF officer. The project, which was tentatively called VT13, is now titled Operation Valentine and the makers have announced that the film will release in theatres on December 8.
Produced by Sony Pictures International Productions and Renaissance Pictures, the film is helmed by debutant Shakti Pratap Singh Hada, who has also written the script alongside Aamir Khan and Siddharth Raj Kumar.
Based on true events, the film is billed as “a patriotic, edge-of-the-seat entertainer” that will showcase the indomitable spirits of the heroes on the frontlines and the challenges they face as they fight one of the biggest, fiercest aerial attacks that India has ever seen.
The film, which marks Varun’s Hindi debut, will see Manushi in the role of a radar officer. Operation Valentine is shot simultaneously in Hindi and Telugu.
Published - August 14, 2023 01:00 pm IST