Operation Valentine, featuring Varun Tej and Manushi Chhillar, will hit the screens on December 8, Sony Pictures International Productions has announced. Inspired by true events, the upcoming film is a Telugu-Hindi action drama. It marks the feature directorial debut of ad filmmaker and cinematographer Shakti Pratap Singh Hada.
Sony Pictures International Productions shared the release date of the movie on its official Instagram page. "Ensuring Peace through Intimidation. Operation Valentine : Sky High Reveal," the post read.
The film is produced by Sony Pictures International Productions and Sandeep Mudda of Renaissance Pictures and co-produced by Nandakumar Abbineni and God Bless Entertainment.
The film is billed as “a patriotic, edge-of-the-seat entertainer” that will showcase the indomitable spirits of the heroes on the frontlines and the challenges they face as they fight one of the biggest, fiercest aerial attacks that India has ever seen.