Netflix has officially ordered an animated series adaptation of Twilight, based on Stephenie Meyer’s 2020 novel Midnight Sun. The project, developed by Lionsgate Television, reimagines the iconic Twilight story from Edward Cullen’s perspective, offering fans a fresh look at the vampire saga.
Sinead Daly, known for her work on Tell Me Lies and The Walking Dead: World Beyond, is set to write and executive produce the series. Daly’s adaptation of Midnight Sun builds on the Twilight companion novel that gives new depth to Edward’s character, which Robert Pattinson famously portrayed in the 2008 film Twilight. Pattinson’s performance was informed by Meyer’s unfinished manuscript at the time.
Meyer, the creator of the globally successful Twilight franchise, will serve as executive producer alongside Meghan Hibbett through Fickle Fish Films.
Lionsgate, which previously produced the multi-billion dollar Twilight film series, has been developing this animated adaptation for over a year. The announcement follows Lionsgate’s ongoing strategy to expand their key franchises, including John Wick.
Published - September 05, 2024 12:12 pm IST