Makers of the upcoming investigative thriller series Kaala on Friday unveiled the official trailer of the film. Taking to Instagram, OTT platform Disney+ Hotstar shared the trailer. The film streams from September 15.
Kaala is created and directed by Bejoy Nambiar and produced by Bhushan Kumar, Krishan Kumar and Bejoy Nambiar. The series stars Avinash Tiwary, Rohan Vinod Mehra, Nivetha Pethuraj, Taher Shabbir, Jitin Gulati, Elisha Mayor, Hiten Tejwani among others.
Talking about the show, director Nambair said, “Kaala delves into the realm of reverse hawala, peeling back the layers of crime and betrayal. Behind closed doors, in the shadows, money takes on a life of its own, entangled with betrayal, revenge, and a hunger for power. Kaala is an unfiltered reflection of our reality, a journey I am excited for the viewers around the world to watch to enjoy.”
Published - September 01, 2023 01:32 pm IST