Actor Ravi Teja on Sunday announced that his next film is titled Mr Bachchan after his favourite megastar Amitabh Bachchan. Directed by Harish Shankar, the tagline of the upcoming Telugu movie is Naam Tho Suna Hoga.
Also starring Bhagyashri Borse, Mr Bachchan is backed by People Media Factory, Panorama Studios and T-Series. Ravi Teja shared the film announcement on his official X page.
The makers also released the first look of the film in which Ravi Teja is seen riding a scooter with shades on and a haircut resembling Bachchan from his films of 1970s. A silhouette of the screen icon's face and a crowd standing in front of a cinema hall called 'Natraj' is embossed as the background of the poster.
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Mr Bachchan is Ravi Teja and Shankar's third collaboration after Shock (2006) and Mirapakay (2011). The actor was last seen in Tiger Nageswara Rao, a period action thriller based on the life of a notorious thief. The actor is also awaiting the release of Eagle, written and directed by Karthik Ghattamaneni.