The trailer of Raghavendra Stores, which was released earlier this week, promises a typical Jaggesh entertainer. Directed by Santhosh Ananddram, and produced by KGFmakers Hombale Films, the Kannada film is slated to hit the screens on April 28.
Jaggesh plays Hayavadana, a 40-year-old cook struggling to get hitched. He is desperate to find a bride and is seen looking for a potential partner with his father, essayed by veteran actor Dattanna. The trailer begins with a phrase, ‘marriages are made in heaven and waiting for the one is hard after 7 PM’, and shows scenes that offer a commentary on the institution of marriage.
The tongue-in-cheek dialogues, which also have a considerable dose of sexual innuendos, cater to the Jaggesh brand of comedy. The film reunites the combination of Jaggesh and Dattanna that did magic in the blockbuster adult comedy Neer Dose, directed by Vijay Prasad. Shwetha Srivastava (Simple Agi Ondh Love Story fame) plays the female lead.
Raghavendra Stores is Ananddram’s fourth film. The director, with gargantuan hits like Mr and Mrs Ramachari and Raajakumara, is known for family-friendly concepts that discuss social issues. Raghavendra Stores seems like an ode to the art of cooking.
Hombale Films, on the back of KGF: Chapter 2and Kantara, will be hoping to extend its purple patch with Raghavendra Stores.
Published - April 19, 2023 04:23 pm IST