Actor Priyanka Mohan is the latest addition to the cast of Pawan Kalyan’s upcoming film OG that’s directed by Sujeeth. The film will mar her return to Telugu cinema after starring in three Tamil films - Doctor, Etharkkum Thunindhavan and Don - back to back
The makers welcomed her with a new poster.
The actor thanked the team and said she was thrilled to be a part of it.
According to reports, the film has gone on floors in Mumbai. DVV Danayya who produced RRR is bankrolling OG which is touted to be an action thriller. The film’s music is by Thaman while Ravi K Chandran is handling the cinematography.
Meanwhile, Priyanka is also a part of Dhanush’s Captain Millerand an upcoming Jayam Ravi film.
Published - April 19, 2023 02:10 pm IST