Merry Little Batman, an animated feature based on characters from DC Comics, will make its debut on Prime Video on December 8. The streaming service shared the release date and the first poster of the Mike Roth-directed film on microblogging site X on Wednesday evening.
Merry Little Batman follows young Damian Wayne who finds himself alone in Wayne Manor on Christmas Eve. "He must transform into 'Little Batman' in order to defend his home and Gotham City from the crooks and supervillains intent on destroying the holidays," according to the official plot description.
The family action comedy features the voices of Yonas Kibreab, Luke Wilson, James Cromwell, and David Hornsby. Roth, who also serves as an executive producer, has directed the film from a screenplay by Morgan Evans and Jase Ricci. Merry Little Batman is produced by Warner Bros Animation.
Published - October 12, 2023 11:57 am IST