Apple has announced a documentary series titled Monster Factory on aspiring wrestlers. Directed by Galen Summer and Naiti Gámez, it tells the story of misfit dreamers at a wrestling school on the outskirts of a gritty New Jersey factory town who, with the help of their tough yet loving coach, fight for their big break as professional wrestlers.
With the announcement, Apple also released information on the members of the wrestingl school:
Danny Cage, the owner and the charismatic coach of the Monster Factory, is a former wrestler himself and he needs to keep the veterans and the new recruits motivated if they want to survive the training and the potential rejection that is to come in this business.
Mimi is a determined raven-haired veteran who has been a Monster Factory alum since high school. Despite her upper-middle-class upbringing, she has only dreamed of being a wrestler. She brings just as much determination as her male counterparts, but will that take her all the way?
Wrestling saved Twitch’s life…literally. When Twitch entered a dark time in his life, he found wrestling to be a safe space. As the only member of Monster Factory who suffers from Tourette’s Syndrome, he used what could be seen as a hindrance to his advantage. But will his inner demons get in the way of him making it to the next step?
Bobby Buffet is the quiet, unassuming New Jersey native who is more than meets the eye. By day, he flips burgers at a local fast food restaurant, but when he walks into the Monster Factory, he is the insatiable Bobby Buffet. Can he find the inner discipline and leadership skills needed to drop the apron and get in the ring full-time?
Gabby Ortiz, a Philadelphia native who has worked in the Mayor’s office, rose to fame fast in the wrestling scene but, because of a personal tragedy, was forced to step away. Now she is back, but can she let go of the past and embrace the wrestling world as it is today?
Goldy is the pretty boy. But what lies underneath this chiselled, bad-boy exterior is someone who has crippling social anxiety and is using wrestling as a way to control his panic attacks. In the ring, he becomes someone else, someone invincible. But will the pressure of being in the spotlight ultimately be too much?
Monster Factory premieres on Apple TV+ on March 17. The six-episode series is produced by Vox Media Studios and Public Record with Max Heckman, Jeremiah Zagar, Galen Summer, Chad Mumm, Mark W. Olsen and Jeremy Yaches serving as executive producers. Marina Stadler co-executive produced.
The series will join Apple’s expanding offering of nonfiction programming featuring the behind-the-scenes stories of the biggest names in sports, including Real Madrid: Until The End, which goes behind the scenes with the iconic football club for a look at their astonishing 2021–2022 season; Make or Break, a docuseries with the World Surf League; Super League, documenting the high-stakes battle for the future of European football; the acclaimed Emmy-nominated They Call Me Magic, which chronicles the life and career of two-time NBA Hall of Famer and cultural icon Earvin “Magic” Johnson; and The Long Game: Bigger Than Basketball, which about basketball sensation Makur Maker.
Upcoming projects include a feature documentary about the groundbreaking life and career of seven-time Formula One world champion Sir Lewis Hamilton; the documentary film Underrated, featuring NBA legend Stephen Curry; and The Dynasty, a documentary series about the New England Patriots.
Published - March 03, 2023 01:04 pm IST