Actor Satya Dev, who has established himself as a versatile actor taking up diverse roles in mainstream and slightly offbeat Telugu films, gears up for his 25th film, which will be presented by director Koratala Siva. This is the first collaboration between the two. Siva is known for his star-studded Telugu films Mirchi, Srimanthudu, Bharat Ane Nenu , and is now directing the Chiranjeevi-starrer Acharya .
The new film starring Satya Dev will be produced by Krishna Kommalapati under Arunachala Creations and directed by VV Gopala Krishna.
The concept poster was unveiled on Sunday to coincide with Satya Dev’s birthday. Satya Dev is the main focus of the poster, which also stages a face-off between two groups, in silhouette.
The yet- untitled film will have music by Kaala Bhairava, cinematography by Sunny Kurapati and editing by Navin Nooli.
Published - July 05, 2021 12:48 pm IST