We had earlier announced that actor Karthi is teaming up with director Prem Kumar of 96 fame for a new film titled Meiyazhagan. The first look of the film was also released earlier. Now, the makers of the film have announced that the film will release in theatres on September 27.
The poster released to announce the date features Karthi at the vaadivaasal of a Jallikattu game.
Also starring Arvind Swamy, the film is produced by Suriya and Jyotika’s 2D Entertainment. Sri Divya, who starred alongside Karthi in Kaashmora, is on board the cast of Meiyazhagan. The rest of the cast includes Jayaprakash and Vada Chennai-fame Saran.
Prem’s 96 crew members, cinematographer Mahendiran Jayaraju, editor R. Govindaraj and music composer Govind Vasantha, are a part of Meiyazhagan as well.