The trailer of the upcoming Malayalam movie Gaganachari was released by the makers today. The film, directed by Arun Chandu who has also written the film along with Siva Sai, stars Aju Varghese, Gokul Suresh, Anarkali Marikar, KB Ganesh Kumar, and John Kaippallil.
The trailer shows glimpses of a story set in 2043, in a post-apocalyptic world where “three dystopian morons” embark on a trippy journey to encounter a 16-foot alien creature. We also see Anarkali play an extraterrestrial in the film. Gaganachari is billed as a mockumentary with a sci-fi twist.
The film was shot predominantly in Kochi during the COVID-19 pandemic. As of now, the film has been selected in nine film festivals and won the Best Feature Film at the Art Blocks International Film Festival at Copenhagen.
Gaganachari has music by Sankar Sharma, cinematography by Surjith S Pai, and editing by Ceejay Achu and Aravind M. The film is produced by Vinayaja Ajith under his Ajith Vinayaka Films banner.