Actor Divya Seth Shah on Tuesday said her daughter Mihika Shah died on Monday (August 5, 2024). As per reports, Mihika Shah, who was in her 20s, suffered a seizure after developing a fever.
Divya, known for popular TV shows Hum Log, Banegi Apni Baat, and the film Dil Dhadakne Do, shared on Facebook that a prayer meeting in her late daughter's memory will be held on Thursday evening (August 6, 2024).
"With profound sorrow, we inform you of the passing of our beloved Mihika Shah, who left for her heavenly abode on August 5th, 2024," read the joint statement by Divya and her husband Siddharth Shah.
Divya, who is the daughter of veteran actor Sushma Seth, didn't reveal the cause of Mihika's death or her age. The prayer meet will be held at Sindh Colony Club House in Mumbai.