Kannada actor Dhananjaya will play Kempegowda in the biopic of the governor of the early-modern India’s Vijayanagar Empire. Titled Nadaprabhu Kempegowda, the Kannada historical film will be directed by veteran filmmaker T S Nagabharana.
This is Dhananjaya’s second project with Nagabharana after Allama (2017), a film based on the life of a rebellious thinker, Allama Prabhu, from the 12th century. Nadaprabhu Kempegowda will be produced by MN Shivarudrappa and Shubam Gundala while Dhananjaya’s Daali Pictures and KRG Studios are associated with the project as well.
Kempegowda, locally venerated as Nadaprabhu Kempegowda, is famous for the development of the Bengaluru city in the 16th century. Pratibha Nandakumar has co-written the film with Nagabharana.
Advaitha Gurumurthy will be the cinematographer for the film while Vasuki Vaibhav has been roped in as the music director. The experienced Shashidar Adapa will be the production designer.
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Meanwhile, Dhananjaya was last seen in Kotee, which released on June 14, 2024. The film marked the directorial debut of Parameshwar Gundkal.
Published - June 21, 2024 11:39 am IST