Disney+ Hotstar on Thursday debuted the trailer of the third season of Aarya. The new season of Ram Madhvani’s acclaimed crime drama series witnesses the return of Sushmita Sen as Arya Sareen. She is joined in the cast by Sikandar Kher, Indraneil Sengupta, Ila Arun, Vikas Kumar, Maya Sarao, Geetanjali Kulkarni and others.
Aarya centres on Sen’s character, a driven mother and the successor of a sprawling narcotics empire, and her battles to safeguard her children and her turf. In the trailer for Season 3, we see Aarya courting new and old enemies and she strengthens her alliance with the Russian cartel. “Cobbed in a world of family dynamics, a dangerous business, vengeance from the past and newer enemies, will Aarya survive?,” read a note from the makers.
Talking about new season, Sushmita Sen said in a statement, “Aarya is the brightest jewel in my crown. Portraying her has been an empowering journey. What fuels my excitement for season 3 of Aarya is that she’s totally unabashed and ruling the game of life once played with her. She’s making new enemies and new allies because this Sherni (Tigress) is now the new Don in town. Ram Madhvani has really grown the action, emotions and twists three fold in this new season, so, get ready to meet the Sherni only on Disney+ Hotstar.”
The first season of Aarya was nominated for an International Emmy in the Best Drama category in 2021. It is adapted from the Dutch drama Penoza.
Created and co-directed by Ram Madhvani, Aarya Season 3 will stream on Disney+ Hotstar from November 3.
Published - October 12, 2023 06:11 pm IST