Bengaluru-based Signishha A is presenting ‘The Artist’ an exhibition showcasing the work of over 17 artists from all over India. Curated by Isha Philips, the exhibition was inaugurated by artists Shivanand Basvanthappa and Zafer Mohiuddin.
“During the pandemic, artists were among the hardest hit and went almost two years without any shows. This exhibition is a way for them to get back into the market and display what they worked on during this period,” says Isha, an artist herself.
“It was also a chance to promote the works of different artists from all over the country — Hyderabad, Chennai, Udupi and other places — especially those who have not had a platform to showcase their work.”
According to Ishaa, this exhibition that highlights the works of both established and upcoming artists, is not bound by theme or medium. “The focus of this exhibition is the artist, their work, the places they are from and their mindset. Hence, the naming of the show ‘The Artist’.”
The Artist by Signishha A is on display at Alliance Francaise, Bengaluru, till December 17.
Published - December 16, 2021 11:07 am IST