Comedian Tanmay Bhat’s purported video in which he allegedly mocked veteran singer Lata Mangeshkar and cricket legend Sachin Tendulkar has evoked a sharp reaction from MNS which said it will lodge an FIR against him over the portrayal.
“Tomorrow morning, I am going to visit Shivaji Park police station and file FIR against Bhat,” ‘MNS Chitrapat Sena’ president Ameya Khopkar said tonight.
He demanded that the video uploaded by Bhat be removed immediately.
The comedian reportedly posted the video on May 26 on Facebook titled “Sachin vs Lata Civil War” and cracked apparently not-so-funny jokes about both these legends.
Meanwhile, DCP (Operations) Sangramsingh Nishandar said, “No FIR has been registered in this issue as of yet“.
Published - May 30, 2016 02:52 am IST