• Arvind Gupta demonstrated ways to make toys — ranging from a Newton disc to a basic motor — with what most of us would consider junk: plastic straws, matchboxes, wire, string, paper of all kinds, safety pins, empty juice cartons, wires, rubber from discarded tyres ... “Plastic is an environmental nightmare but very good to make models like these.”
  • An aluminium hangar bent to an elliptical shape and a coin balanced on the hooked end was used to demonstrate how the planets revolve around the sun.
  • Bits of coloured plastic and a twisted wire was transformed into a multi-coloured wriggly worm that beat slither.io any day
  • A simple motor was made from a size D battery, two safety pins, a couple of magnets, some wire and a 1-inch tube from an old cycle tube. The modern fidget spinner became an electricity generator. A buzz rose as it lit up a tiny LED bulb.
  • With matchboxes, and paper, you could have lizards climbing a vertical wall or a rabbit hopping across a horizontal surface.
  • Discarded juice and milk cartons make excellent material for waterproof models, he laughed. “All it takes are a few snips with the scissors.” A transportable cup and a purse with multiple compartments were only a couple of the different things that could be made.
  • For those interested in more visit http://www.arvindguptatoys.com/