1 Trained airman and Royal Marine showing solidarity (3,2,3)
5 A kid free from anxiety (2,4)
10 Crumpled towel – who’ll give a hoot? (5)
11 Ginger cake dunked in drink: not a welcoming sign (2,7)
12 Yet Attic’s in need of translation for ancient Athens, say (4-5)
13 Night before conservationists’ do (5)
14 Kramer’s taken aback, giving notice (6)
15 Surgeon can be seen here and there at play (7)
18 Her tea’s simmering, leading to pops in a microwave, say (7)
20 Good (the actor) in ‘Wild Rosebushes’ (according to the audience) (6)
22 Delightful chap on the radio provides penicillin, etc. (5)
24 Unfairly bowled, a weak spin on the ball (4,5)
25 Snidely suggest how unmarried couples live fundamentally undermines a truth eternal (9)
26 Tonic unopened, almost all of slice discarded: it’s one way to serve gin (2,3)
27 Wassail not as spirited around start of November; Christmas is when you might bid them welcome (2-4)
28 In a manner of speaking, sweatier, in a way (2,2,4)
1 Having let cold in, make amends immediately (2,4)
2 Use force? There are only 20 of them! (4,5)
3 Awkward swot is anorak fan? No-one’s told me otherwise (3,2,3,2,1,4)
4 Rifle spread fire (7)
6 Funny story, flailing a baton after agitato? Me neither (5,3,2,1,4)
7 Carroll’s lead in a story (5)
8 This decade, endlessly weightiest (8)
9 Cheery, rowdy pub receives penalty regularly (6)
16 ‘Avert your eyes!’: sounds like Romantic painter was full of sorrow (4,5)
17 Wimbledon ace in good shape, one imparts the writing on the wall (8)
19 I don’t care who’s at fault (2,4)
20 Wrapped in cotton wool, end up delivering unwelcome information (3,4)
21 Strait-laced, stuck up in cashmere vestment (6)
Published - April 27, 2019 04:00 pm IST