The dry leaves rustled in the cold wind. Chippy the chipmunk was collecting acorns to be stored in her burrow for winter. Seeing her work hard, Garry the groundhog, called, “Chippy, why don’t you rest awhile?”
But Chippy wouldn’t stop. “I don’t want to be short of food this winter,” she replied, continuing her work.
“Best of luck, Chippy,” said Garry, as he ran past. “Hope to see you at the Pre-Hibernation Party.”
Chippy dropped her acorns, as she slapped her head. “Oh dear! Is it the day of the party already? Thank you for reminding me,” she yelled, as she ran between the grove and burrow. She rushed home with the ones she had gathered and made a few more trips to gather more acorns.
Just then she heard Carla the cardinal whistle. “Coming to the party, Chippy?”
“Yes, just collecting a last few acorns,” said Chippy. Just as she reached her burrow, Tony the turtle came up, dressed in his finest. “Wow, you look fine but aren’t you early?”
“You know, Chippy, the party is at the bear’s den. If I don’t start now, I’ll never make it,” replied Tony.
All gone
Chippy ran into her burrow, put the acorns away, and got dressed. As she left, she looked proudly at her store and thought, “This year, I won’t be short of food.” Smiling, she made a last trip to collect a few more acorns. When she got back to add the few carried in her cheeks, her jaw dropped. Her store — collected so painstakingly — was gone. She had been robbed.
Hearing her cries, Skinky the skunk came in to see what happened. “I’ve been robbed,” wailed Chippy. “I’ve just three acorns left. How will I survive the winter?”
“That’s awful,” said Skinky. “Let me think of what we can do”. He paced up and down the burrow and then exclaimed, “Let me call our friends for help. We’ll find the robber and get you through the winter.” Skinky then called to Carla who was sitting on the tree, asking her to summon everyone. “It’s an emergency.”
As soon as Carla spread the word, everyone came rushing and Chippy told them what had happened. “Let’s think about how to find the robber,” said Garry. But Beady the bear was worried. “That’ll take time and we’ll all soon go into hibernation. Chippy needs food so let’s collect as many as acorns as possible for her.”
Everyone agreed and set off. From behind a bush, out came a small squirrel. “Don’t worry. I’ll share what I have with Chippy,” he said. No one noticed a rabbit sitting behind the bushes, watching them with tears rolling down his cheeks.
With everyone working together, there was soon a heap of acorns before Chippy’s burrow. “You are all true friends. With this pile, I’ll survive the winter,” said Chippy gratefully.
“Let’s get on with the party,” said Skinky.
But Tony hung his head and looked said, “I won’t make it in time. I am so slow.”
Beady swung him into his arms and said, “Of course you will. I’ll carry you to my den.”
Confession time
Everyone was having a blast at the party with dance and music when, suddenly, a rabbit hopped in, “I am sorry. I will never do it again.”
“What did you do?” asked Garry.
“I am the one who robbed Chippy. I’ll return all the acorns, I promise. Please forgive me.”
The startled animals stood staring until Chippy said, “I accept your apology. Please return my acorns and promise never to rob again. Now, come join us!”
When it was time to leave, the rabbit accompanied Chippy and brought back all the acorns he had stolen. “It’s all right. I forgive you,” said Chippy to the ashamed rabbit. “Now I am going to sleep. You should also get home.”
Published - September 05, 2024 10:48 am IST