SEBI updates complaint redressal system for investors

Published - April 01, 2024 10:45 pm IST - MUMBAI

The Securities & Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has introduced a new version of its complaint redressal system, SCORES 2.0, to strengthen investor complaint redress mechanism in the securities market. 


The process has been made more efficient through auto-routing, auto-escalation, monitoring by the ‘Designated Bodies and reduction of timelines, SEBI said in a statement.

The new SCORES system has also been made more user-friendly, it added. SCORES is an online system where investors in securities market can lodge their complaints through web URL and an app. Investors can lodge complaints only through new version of SCORES i.e. from April 1, 2024. In the old SCORES i.e., investors would not be able to lodge any new complaint. However, they can check the status of their complaints already lodged and pending in the old SCORES. Further, the disposed of complaints filed in the old SCORES could be viewed at SCORES 2.0.

The old app has been discontinued and a new app in its place will be available soon, SEBI added.

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