Flipkart said its gardening sub-category had seen a 150% y-o-y growth, as more millennials want to take up ‘plant parenting’ roles during and after the pandemic.
The trend had multiple drivers. For some customers, gardening was a pastime, others took to gardening for de-stressing and therapeutic properties, while the rest wanted to create some greenery at home as they worked from home and stayed home most of the time last year, Flipkart said.
The pre-COVID era saw purchasing patterns focused on essentials such as manure, saplings, and containers, but post-pandemic, Flipkart had seen high amounts of orders in care tools such as sprayers, shoulder gloves, fence posts, and hose brackets and clamps.
According to the e-tailer, verticals like plant trimmers, fence posts, water cranes, and plant straighteners also grew by 15x in FY22.
“As customers become more aware, the demand for artificial turf and portable greenhouses too saw an uptick during the pandemic, making indoor plants and terrace gardens quite the hot topic,” Flipkart stated.
The platform also reported a spike in the purchase of plants like bamboos and bonsais and other accessories for the living space. “The customer purchasing pattern has shown that women in metro, tier 1 and tier 2 cities are more likely to scroll through the gardening category,” the company further said.
Flipkart has also witnessed that the customer base in metro cities is younger than the customer base in tier 2+ cities. Apart from the metro cities, Guwahati, Ernakulam and Pune were top demand drivers. Brands such as Ferns N Petals, Trust Basket, Taparia, Stanley, Visko, Kraft Seeds and Ugaoo and others reported increased traction on Flipkart. ends