The Enforcement Directorate (ED) on Friday issued summons to businessman Vijay Mallya in connection with the money laundering case against him, while two of his former employees were quizzed by the agency. He has been asked to present himself before the investigating team on March 18.
Refuting the allegations that he was evading the law, Mr. Mallya defended himself on the microblogging site, Twitter. “I am an international businessman. I travel to and from India frequently. I did not flee from India and neither am I an absconder. Rubbish,” he said, adding that as an Indian MP, he fully respected and would comply with the law of the land.
Let media bosses not forget help, favours,accommodation that I have provided over several years which are documented. Now lies to gain TRP ?
— Vijay Mallya (@TheVijayMallya) >March 10, 2016
‘Media indulging in witch hunt’
In what seems to be a veiled threat, Mr. Mallya claimed that he had extended favours to many people in the media.
“Let media bosses not forget help, favours, accommodation that I have provided over several years which are documented. Now lies to gain TRP?” he tweeted. Mr. Mallya, through a series of tweets, said: “Once a media witch hunt starts, it escalates into a raging fire where truth and facts are burnt to ashes."
He also targeted the editor of a television news channel.
Published - March 11, 2016 09:59 am IST