• Traveller: While he set aside preconceived notions and expectations, Tony would show up to a place well prepared. He was a voracious reader and would often read a book or two, from whatever place he was visiting. He was always willing to listen, to let the people who actually live there tell their own stories and let the place and the people speak for themselves.
  • Chef: Tony referred to himself as a journeyman. He was a proficient chef. He would correct people who said, ‘you were a great chef’. He would say ‘no I was not. I was a working chef who could ably run a kitchen. I was not a highly skilled, creative, technical genius. That wasn't, my skill set.’ I think he may have been a little too modest. What he loved about cooking was the camaraderie.
  • Writer: He was a natural writer. He found writing as a way to live a big life. He had a natural, clear voice and was disciplined about his writing, in a way that I find inspirational. He would work very hard in the kitchen, get a few hours of sleep and then get up, sometimes before the sun came up and write for an hour or two. Throughout all his incarnations of chef, television host and entrepreneur, he was a writer at heart. The reason he came to the attention of the world was because of his love for and facility with the written word.
  • Boss: Tony was the best boss. He was hands off, by virtue of travelling, and put a lot of trust and faith in me. He was generous and supportive. It is very melancholy to talk about it because there will never be another opportunity to work with somebody like Tony.